Thursday, May 31, 2012


My day? 
Started out great!  Thank you for asking.

See, we read the last few chapters of Psalms this morning for our bible reading.  It is all about  PRAISE.

The very last verse of Psalms says:
Psalms 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  

Yep, that's how my day started.

But reading all that praise reminded me of a sermon - an amazing praise filled sermon.

S.M. Lockridge
That's my KING!

Have you heard it?

click the title (a link) and be uplifted-soar actually.

So what happened to me today after reading and listening to that message?
talked to my sister - nice to catch up.
texted with my brothers - nice also.
found out on of my favorite high school teacher's son had died horrifically over the weekend - sad.
store very slow - bad.
disobedient children - ugh.
more things to do that time to do them - frustrating.
Ephraim's heart twin had foot movement for the first time since birth (7 years) - spectacular.
praise God - he is my King.

Praising helps me maintain a positive attitude through it all.  This week I have experience many ups and downs, my own and other people's.  I try to always focus on Jesus.  

Praise God, He is my King.  He is there for me.  Day or night.  Rain or shine.  Never changing.  

Yep, I'll be ok because I will praise God.

How about you?  What does praising God bring you through?

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day!

Memorial Day - a day of remembrance.

What am I remembering today?

Did you know that our elders used to call this decoration day?  Yep.  Know why?  Well, I'm not really sure, but I think it came from a time when there was unity in the nation and towns would remember their fallen heroes.  EVERYONE showed their colors.  RED, WHITE & BLUE.

People would fly the flag on their front porch or display a patriotic wreath to cause us to remember.  Some would take little flags to the cemetery plots of fallen heroes.   We would decorate.  Few do those things anymore.  

I remember with my family in small ways.  We fly our colors.  I talk to my children about the sacrifice others have made to give freedom and security.   Pray with my children and ask God's blessing in their surviving family's life.  We enjoy a family meal together, which is a rare treat these days.  

It gives me a chance to talk about my Jesus.

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Jesus had great love.  He had great love for you and for me - for all man-kind.

How do we know that we are Jesus' friend.

Verse 14 says "You are my friends if you do what I command."

Verse 17 says "This is my command: Love each other."

This is what I focus on today and most days.  Jesus gave his all to change my life.  

Thank you, Jesus.  Change me to live more sacrificial for others the way you did.  Change me to love freely and openly for your honor and glory to build your kingdom.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Have you ever heard that God is jealous?  Yep.  

Or at least his word claims that he is.

Check it out.

Exodus 20:5 (+6 for context & blessing)
You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Then there is:
Exodus 34:14
14 Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. 

Then also:
Deuteronomy 4:24
Deuteronomy 5:9
Deuteronomy 6:15
Deuteronomy 32:21
Joshua 24:19
Nahum 1:2

God is a jealous god.  He will not share his creation.

Are you his?  

I am his and I have to wonder how I rouse God's jealousy.

Could it be my 
How about 
my children
my husband
my parents

I tend to believe that whatever our knuckles get the whitest over holding back from God will be what he uses to bring us back to proper perspective.

When Ephraim was born, it was scary and he was dying.   Never once did my husband and I pray that God would take him or us out of that situation; instead, we prayed, "Save this child physically if you intend to save him in your kingdom and use him."  He wasn't ours - not then and surely not now - just on loan - as are TJ and Amber, also.

I think the thing I value that God has really challenged my with is my friendships, though.  Those relationships that I thought were Christ centered and godly were horrifically and heartbreakingly removed from me .   It was as if God was telling me that I valued my friendship with people more that I valued my friendship with him.  I focused more on my relationship with God and he returned a dear friend to me.  Thank you, Jesus!

Father God,
Keep my heart, mind, soul and strength focused on you.   Lifting up praise, honor and glory to you - to the Son - to the Holy Spirit.  Help me make much of you for your kingdom.  Thank you, for the reminder that you are jealous and will have no other gods before you.  Help me to identify the gods in my life so that I may remove them with your help.  I love you, Lord.  Be Lord in my heart so that others may see you in me.

Monday, May 21, 2012

There is a time for everything and a season 
    for every activity under the heavens:
    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot, 
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.

These are my sentiments of the weekend.  

Read verse 4 again:  
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,

I spent Friday night and the majority of my day Saturday being with my best girl as she prepared for her youngest daughter's wedding. 

It was joyous.  
It was funny.
It was a celebration.

My husband performed the ceremony, so he was engaged in the preacher thing that he does.

As things were winding down, my girl stood outside the reception going over what else she needed me to do and sharing our girl giggles that we share when my husband approaches and says that he has to go to the hospital.

It was just the three of us standing there so he told us that an older male friend of ours had just died.  It was sudden and completely unexpected.  We both asked him if he was serious.

Here we were in the peels of laughter and here comes a story that no one wants to hear - ever.

The flow of life is cycles.

Cycles give us time to reflect, renew and repair.

We both shed tears that we quickly brought under control so as to not alert the bride and groom.  We prayed together.  Then we worked.  (Probably one of the greatest reasons that we are so close - work is our release.)

There is a time to cry and a time to laugh.

My heart breaks for the surviving family of our friend especially his son; while at the same time rejoices in the beginning journey of the newly weds.

Thank you, Jesus.  While we experience sorrow, you can still bring joy.  Thank you for that vivid experience.  Please be with this family as they begin a journey that is long and hard.  Draw each one to lean on you.  Amen.

How about you?  Has God every put something in your path that just made you utter, "Thank you, Jesus!"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I LOVE cooking up surprises and I'm cooking one right now for my parents.  I have to sit on it till much later, but it's sooooooo exciting.

In 2002, my parents celebrated 50 years together.  This year will be 60 years.  That is amazing to me.  I've been married to Jim for 23 years and that feels like a lifetime to me.

About 4 years ago, my parents had a total fire loss of their home.  Everything.  Very little was salvaged and what was saved probably shouldn't have been.  I remember right before I returned to my home from the initial clean up I went into the room at my brother's house where he and mom were bunking.  I found him sobbing.  I just held him and reminded him that we still had him and mom the rest didn't matter compared to that.  The house burned for 6-7 hours while my parents slept.  I can't think about that much without a shutter.

In the house were generations of mementos and memories.  This is the house of my childhood and will always be home in my heart.  It was a 150 year old beam constructed farm house.

People graciously helped replace copies of pictures and the such.  There was one thing that dad had asked me about when he came to visit this winter.  I hadn't really thought of it much since 2002, but he asked me if I had a copy of the poem he wrote mom.

I looked when he asked, but couldn't find it.  I even thought I may have an electronic copy- nope.

I pack rat terrible and have annoyed myself to no return.  I'm cleaning.  I've been working in my sewing/craft room lately.  I was getting ready to throw away some scrapbooking scraps and fanned it.  Guess what?  Yep, there it was.  Treasure in a pile of trash.

Maybe one day, I'll ask if I can share the poem here, but for now the treasure is safe at heart.  I  love being the hero and today, I'm a hero.  I returned a gift from my father to my mother.  One they thought was lost forever.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

History, Meditations and Change

I am blessed to be in church at a very young age.  My first memory of church was when I was little, little.  There was a girl who looked like my oldest sister who had just left to go to college.  I didn't understand the girl at all and was afraid of her as a result I wasn't the kindest of people to her.  

The next memory I have is a Sunday School class at that same church.  The teacher talked about how scarred hands help us.  At the time my mother still had her garden.  Her hands were rough but gentle.  I will always equate my mother's hand with Jesus because of that.

Later, I went to church with my grandparents.  Graciously picked up and dropped off by folks that had to drive a long way  out of their way to get me and my younger brother.  I learned a lot during this time....mostly what was right and what was wrong.  I love these people dearly and deeply.

When I got married, Jim went to a different denomination, which was very difficult for me.  It was very liturgical and (if you ask me) stoic.  I complained, "I don't understand a word he's saying."  We were in and out of church for a period of time for that reason and also, even though we were married, our daughter was conceived before wed-lock.  We didn't feel accepted any longer.

Due to situations in life, we (willingly) ended back at my husbands home place and started attending a baptist church.  We fit in until my formerly divorced husband was called by God to full time ministry.  No matter how much Hebrew & Greek you try to teach someone, if someone has it in their mind that the KJV is the inspired word then you are sunk.  We left.

It's hard to find a church.

The next church had a pastor who fed Jim's call.....with a carrot.....dangled on a stick.....just out of reach.

We pulled back and then Jim got his first official people call.  Interim at a SBA.  Well, we'll leave it at that.

When the body elected a pastor, Jim started Joshua House Baptist Church.   We met at a local nursing home in the Alzheimer unit.  We grew quite a number and in understanding. 

I grew.  It was during this time when I read through the bible for the first time.  I found things in there that just didn't agree with things I've been taught for years and years. 

It was then that God wanted to move us into our own building.  Guess what?  He gave us a build.  You read that right.  He GAVE us a building.  It was a mission with out a leader.  The board was weary from carrying the burden.  

We started with status quo mentality.  But God didn't leave us there.  We began a journey into grace, into mercy and into love.

There have been events over the course of the last week that have really called my attentions to where we were and where we are now.

I think all Christians can say that they believe obeying God's commands are essential for a fulfilled life.  I agree.  But Jesus says that Loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength is the most important commandment AND to love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments all others hinge.

People ask me how I can be so unconcerned with this or that or why situations don't bother me.  I believe I can honestly answer that by saying, believing and living:  "If I compare all the wrongs I've done to God which are numerous and grievous, then the small offenses against me are insignificant."    

My standard is not what others have done, but what Jesus has done.  While being murdered on the cross for my sin he prayed, "Forgive...".  

God's grace is forgiveness extended to me, not because I deserve it, but because he loves me.  How can I not help but love those he loved.

I pray daily that this grace grows in my heart.  That I may touch others with a love so deep that it changes a person's very breath.  That people wouldn't even see me, but the Jesus that loves me, the Jesus that loves them.  I wonder if that what Paul meant when he said he died daily.

These thoughts are so different than what they were 15 years ago.  I concerned myself with doing the right thing and making sure that others in my path were doing the right thing.  I didn't do a very good job at it, but after all, the Holy Spirit does a much better job at conviction than I do.

Maybe you can identify.  Maybe you get discouraged trying to keep up with the "good christians".  Maybe you feel dissatisfied with teachings that only about going to Heaven.  Jesus came, lived and died so that you could have life and have it more abundantly.  Keep pressing, keep praying and keep reading your bible.  

Love and peace to you in Jesus.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Yearly Check-up

Today was the day of Ephraim's yearly cardiology appointment.  It's hard to stay calm of spirit approaching these appointments, but a necessity of life they are and my cool-cucumber, aloof, flippant approach I'll do.  

Every appointment there is this to measure and that to watch.  Of course, this and that are all monitored with sophisticated equipment which doesn't help a dad and mom when trying to determine if he is on track.  The only measuring stick we have is that he runs circles around almost everyone and goes for more.  The bunny has nothing on this boy.

Dr. Robinson listening to Ephraim's chest..
This is the doctor God used to stabilized
Ephraim the day his was born.
He holds a special place in my heart. 

Today's appointment was the regular stuff.  Check-in, height, weight, pulse, various extremity pulses, blood pressure, ekg & echo.  AND For the first time in 7 years, there is nothing but good stuff to report. 

This is Mr. Gary.  He is the first sonographer to
find Ephraim's left PA on echo.  He's a hero, too!
He likes Ephraim because he'll lay still.
Until Ephraim etst bored and starts flexing his
abdominal and chest  muscles for something to do.
Mr. Gary was not as impressed as I was.

 The murmur in his aortic valve: no change (still murmurs, but no change means that it is just a side effect of the corrective surgery and it is growing with him).

The biggie: the left PA branch: this is it: this is the pins and needles part: this is where I hold my breath every cardiology appointment.

...."It's making progress, it's growing"  I asked, "you can say it's MAKING PROGRESS???"  (remember this has been a concern for 7 years and each appointment is mediocre news, at best.)  Dr R.: "Yes, definitely.  There's less turbulence & more flow."  (meaning there is more room for blood to flow through that artery.)  Then!!!! "There is no reason right now for further invasive imaging."

I cry tears of joy because 5 years ago they were sure that he would have to have further heart work done.  He was most assuredly going to have to have another OHS (open heart surgery).  As he grows it looks like that will be less likely.

We are clear for a year again.  So grateful.

I thank God everyday for my children and especially for Ephraim, not only because He is being healed by the finger of God right before our very eyes, but because, God uses this boy in a very special way.   Ephraim teaches me everyday to live out loud and just what it means to receive unmerited favor.  I don't deserve this child in my life any more than I deserve to have him healed or any more than I deserve a savoir that loves me in spite of my faults.  Thank you, Jesus, for giving me Ephraim to show your grace and love in a living, breathing way.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Amendment One

Here in North Carolina, we are being asked to vote on a bill called "Amendment 1" or SB 106. In my rural, bible-belt area there are signs every where urging voters to vote yes.

Amendment 1 defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman and adding it to our constitution. (By the way, that is man's definition, not God's definition. 1 Corinthians 6:16).

I do want to share some thoughts about my process of deciding.

First and foremost-no matter how hard you try, you can never legislate morality. Not your morality - not God's morality. God gave us law, not to keep us in line, but to show us our deficiency to HIS righteousness. That is the whole point of a savior, my savior, Jesus. (Romans 8 - actually a study of all Romans will prove that point.)

Secondly, taking time to process and support these types of societal issues takes away from me dealing with my own problems. I've never done this but case in point: bombing abortion clinics. Or closer to home: harboring resentment against someone in my heart, gossip, lying. See, in my mind, this is failing to remove the telephone pole from my eye while inspecting the speck in someone else's eye. (Matthew 7:3-5)

The greatest commandment is Love the Lord your God with all your mind, heart, strength, and soul AND secondly love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-40) Jesus defines neighbor in a parable called "The Good Samaritan". (Luke 10:27-37).

Thirdly, people who weren't like Jesus liked Jesus. Look at scripture. The outcast of the theological society flocked to Jesus. He was different. He never accepted their sin, just them as a person.
The thief: accepted;
the whore; accepted;
the leper: accepted
...want me to continue? ok:
the tax collector: accepted,
the poor widow: accepted;
the mixed breed: accepted;
the doubter,
the adulterer,
the alien,
the sick,
the feeble,
the contrite,
the unclean,
even Peter:
all accepted.

In that list there is not a group of religious people (the Pharisees and Sadducees). Those, he despised. People who made their version of his word and sold it as his word. Read the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Jesus loves people. He hated what they did/do sometimes, but even then he loves them. He loves God more though and that was his driving force. I do not call myself a Christian anymore because it is so perverted from the meaning. Christian means Christ like-to look like, act like and talk like Christ. I fail that miserably. I much prefer Christ follower or Christ disciple.

I don't mean to be so direct and mean, or argumentative but, Christian, please think about what you say when you start beating the drum or wielding the sword. I urge everyone who claims to be Christ's to ask and seek wisdom from God if this is God's bidding or self-righteousness.

Lord God, I want to focus on you, your love, your wisdom. I want to love people like you loved people. Live in and through me so that you may touch people in a special way. I want to be your vessel. Let every thought I have be your thought and guide my path with your word that I might please you and add to your kingdom. I love you, Lord.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Jim and Yonas enjoying some strawberry shortcake.
Yonas is my friend from Ethiopia.  I'm not really sure how my husband was first introduced to him, but he has become close to Jim and me.  He has been in the states for 11 years and speaks English very well with a thick accent.  

Yonas and Jim share the same vision on ministry.  We've never met anyone like him.  He truly carries his cross to serve Jesus-all for God's glory.  

And can Yonas pray.  He prays like no one I've ever heard pray in my life.  

When Yonas begins "Fawser Gahd, Hallelujah...."  The Holy Spirit visits and does not leave. He speaks to his Abba Father earnestly and lovingly.  God hears Yonas' pray.  I can give you testimony of personal prayers that God has answered through him over and over again even in the short time I've known him.

We meet on Wednesday nights to fellowship and pray together.

We've been doing this for about 2 months.  The more I get to know him, the more amazing God becomes to me.  God speaks to his heart and he is so eager to share because no one puts their light under a bushel.

Yonas gets out of the way to be an instrument for God, by God.

I was overwhelmed with something tonight though. 

He belongs to a prayer group on the phone.  I really don't understand the hows or whys or anything, but tonight he was testifying that the group is praying around the clock, around the world.

Get this.....

A group
of people
the face
of the
right now
is praying 

Think about that.  Pretty neat, if you ask me.

A person in London could be participating in a teleconference prayer meeting praying with a person in New Guinea and a person in California right this very moment in unison for you - for me.

Most of the time, I have a hard time getting past praying for my own little family.  

Lord God, give me a heart to pray, not just for myself and my own needs but to remember people across the globe that you love.  Let my words minister to your ears the honoring of your Son.

A Taste of Heaven

So, it's strawberry season in NC.  That means shortcake, pie and jam!  Yum, yum, yum.

Today, I took these:

And did a whole lot of this:

And only got this out of it.

But!  That's ok, because this is completely natural - not a single preservative and tastes unbelievable.

It took 4 hours, but I may just have to go back and get some more to work up because it is preservative free.  Not a speck of even sure-gel.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Cowgirl UP!

There were words I never heard in my house growing up and if I did, they were squashed in an instant.  Those words were "It isn't fair."  Honestly, life isn't about fair.  Whether it be good or bad life isn't fair.  And Why is life only fair when everyone wins?

Job had every thing he owned taken from him through no fault of his own.  Job's children were all killed by a storm that struck the house where they were holding a feast.  Job was obviously distraught and questioning.  His friends who came to console him were watching his pity party and had to have their say.  Their say was: "you have some sin in your life".  Job's answer was "I am a righteous man".

When everyone has taken their turn and God has heard enough he comes to Job. Here is the first thing God says to Job:

Job 38 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:
“Who is this that obscures my plans 
    with words without knowledge? 
Brace yourself like a man;
    I will question you,
    and you shall answer me.

Ok, Wow!

First, it is very clear from the beginning of the book that Satan found Job and wanted to prove to God that his righteous servant wouldn't be so righteous if God lifted his protection from Job.  But in the end, God has even power over Satan.  He wouldn't have been allowed to reek havoc if he wasn't allowed.  What happened to Job WAS GOD'S PLAN. 

I've dealt with loss in my life.  When the dust settles, this is what I hear.  Patty, stand up and take it like a man (a woman).  Who are you to question me?

I profess in good times that my God is in control, that he is all knowing and all powerful, but when I face a storm of life, I whine and forget my professions.  

Lord, Direct my heart to always rely on your wisdom and not to my own - Not to go for the easy answers, but embrace the changes that you are trying to work in me.  Let me rest in the fact that you are in control of all things good and bad in my life, that they are your plan and let me understand that you love me an will see me through it.  Let me trust in that fact - in YOU.