Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day!

Memorial Day - a day of remembrance.

What am I remembering today?

Did you know that our elders used to call this decoration day?  Yep.  Know why?  Well, I'm not really sure, but I think it came from a time when there was unity in the nation and towns would remember their fallen heroes.  EVERYONE showed their colors.  RED, WHITE & BLUE.

People would fly the flag on their front porch or display a patriotic wreath to cause us to remember.  Some would take little flags to the cemetery plots of fallen heroes.   We would decorate.  Few do those things anymore.  

I remember with my family in small ways.  We fly our colors.  I talk to my children about the sacrifice others have made to give freedom and security.   Pray with my children and ask God's blessing in their surviving family's life.  We enjoy a family meal together, which is a rare treat these days.  

It gives me a chance to talk about my Jesus.

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Jesus had great love.  He had great love for you and for me - for all man-kind.

How do we know that we are Jesus' friend.

Verse 14 says "You are my friends if you do what I command."

Verse 17 says "This is my command: Love each other."

This is what I focus on today and most days.  Jesus gave his all to change my life.  

Thank you, Jesus.  Change me to live more sacrificial for others the way you did.  Change me to love freely and openly for your honor and glory to build your kingdom.

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