Monday, May 14, 2012

Yearly Check-up

Today was the day of Ephraim's yearly cardiology appointment.  It's hard to stay calm of spirit approaching these appointments, but a necessity of life they are and my cool-cucumber, aloof, flippant approach I'll do.  

Every appointment there is this to measure and that to watch.  Of course, this and that are all monitored with sophisticated equipment which doesn't help a dad and mom when trying to determine if he is on track.  The only measuring stick we have is that he runs circles around almost everyone and goes for more.  The bunny has nothing on this boy.

Dr. Robinson listening to Ephraim's chest..
This is the doctor God used to stabilized
Ephraim the day his was born.
He holds a special place in my heart. 

Today's appointment was the regular stuff.  Check-in, height, weight, pulse, various extremity pulses, blood pressure, ekg & echo.  AND For the first time in 7 years, there is nothing but good stuff to report. 

This is Mr. Gary.  He is the first sonographer to
find Ephraim's left PA on echo.  He's a hero, too!
He likes Ephraim because he'll lay still.
Until Ephraim etst bored and starts flexing his
abdominal and chest  muscles for something to do.
Mr. Gary was not as impressed as I was.

 The murmur in his aortic valve: no change (still murmurs, but no change means that it is just a side effect of the corrective surgery and it is growing with him).

The biggie: the left PA branch: this is it: this is the pins and needles part: this is where I hold my breath every cardiology appointment.

...."It's making progress, it's growing"  I asked, "you can say it's MAKING PROGRESS???"  (remember this has been a concern for 7 years and each appointment is mediocre news, at best.)  Dr R.: "Yes, definitely.  There's less turbulence & more flow."  (meaning there is more room for blood to flow through that artery.)  Then!!!! "There is no reason right now for further invasive imaging."

I cry tears of joy because 5 years ago they were sure that he would have to have further heart work done.  He was most assuredly going to have to have another OHS (open heart surgery).  As he grows it looks like that will be less likely.

We are clear for a year again.  So grateful.

I thank God everyday for my children and especially for Ephraim, not only because He is being healed by the finger of God right before our very eyes, but because, God uses this boy in a very special way.   Ephraim teaches me everyday to live out loud and just what it means to receive unmerited favor.  I don't deserve this child in my life any more than I deserve to have him healed or any more than I deserve a savoir that loves me in spite of my faults.  Thank you, Jesus, for giving me Ephraim to show your grace and love in a living, breathing way.

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