Thursday, August 02, 2012


Yesterday was "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day", so they say.  I think the entire nation was as polarized as 9-11, just in different directions instead of one focus.  Very few people were indifferent, but motivated by some aspect of the argument.

To a small group of folks, it was a sad, shocking day, though.  

Photo by permission compliments of "Kuldeep Chudasama".  Thank you!

Wesley Bryant, 22, of Carthage, NC left this earth behind.  It was sudden.  It was unexpected.  It was tragic.  It doesn't matter how.  It is too much!

If you didn't know my friend, Wes, you missed out.

I will be 45 this year on my birthday and I can honestly say that I have NEVER met anyone with the level of sincerity this kid had.  He loved everyone as a person and expressed it in his way-with gentleness and kindness.  If you read his Facebook wall, it is filled with "you were a great friend" by hundreds.

We were accidental friends really.  Two of his best friends and band mates were friends of mine and played in our church's worship band.  One of those boys (men now) has an amazing story of his own.   So we were friends of friends.  Since Wes worked his way through high school and college at the only grocery store in town, we slowly became friends.
Photo used with permission and compliments of Shaun Dirte Gleason. Thank you!
Joey, Wes, Derrick and one of their friends.

He probably didn't like me much at first, I am the pastor's wife, after all, but slowly he warmed.  And just to be honest, I was a little intimidated by him at first.  I began to appreciate him so much that I made it a point to use his check out line when he would come home from college on break even if meant me waiting.  We would chat about school, his body art  on his arms (which was gorgeous) and ALWAYS music-Seventh Denial then lately As Oceans and occasionally church.

It was this passed winter break, I think, that I knew from Facebook that he was home and happened into Food Lion.  There he was, in his spot.  He wasn't waiting on a customer because it was slow at that moment.  He looked up from what he was doing and got a big smile on his face and came around the counter and greeted me with a hug.  That was Wes.  Just a lovable guy.  I'm not a metal fan, so I've never been to one of his concerts.  He's not a church fan, so he'd not been to church.  We were just two friends saying "Hi!  It's so good to see you!"

Two weeks ago, he brought some clothes and shoes by my shop for donation.  What a joy it was to see him.  I lamented to him that I missed seeing him to which he agreed, but started sharing with me his internship work and everything going on in his life.  Even in the not so good stuff he had seen the silver lining and was turning it to good.  He asked me about my life, my family and sent a "hi" message to my husband asking about him and the church.  He was so different from that young man I had met 4-5 years ago.  He was confident and happy.  He was genuine and real. 

I will miss him.  You see, he taught me a lot with out knowing it.  I am thankful for the life lessons he shared in his easy manner of appreciating life and seeking Truth.

August 1, 2012 will always be a day for me when a seeker left this life wondering if their was any Truth, while many in this bible-belted community fought and voiced their right to be right.  

One person jokingly shared with me a week ago, "we won...nahnahnahnahnah".  Yes, we may have won here and now, but did Jesus in the later?

I love you, Wes, dear young friend.  Thank you for sharing your time with me.  Your life lessons will never be lost.

Jesus, thank you for Wes.  Place on my heart every day the type of genuineness that he had with love and appreciation for everyone, even people that I don't agree with.  Let me be about your business and not my own.  Amen.


Utterly broken

I'm sitting here shaking in tears.

I feel like Peter in the boat speaking to Jesus.  "Depart from me, I am a sinful man."

My mediation today has been from Romans 1&2.

Paul says that no one has an excuse.  God has given us every opportunity to turn to him, but some have turned away giving themselves up to a depraved mind.  

It's easy for the Christian to understand chapter 1, we stand on it every time we make a judgement. 


God saw fit to remind the Christian in Romans 2:1-3 ending with a severe warning in vs 4.  

As I read and re-read and meditated on verses 18 through 32 of Romans 1 I realized a few things about myself in a way that I never have before

I'll admit that I don't like confrontation so I may not be completely forth right about things - skirt issues that I know will cause problems (deceit).  I want things that others have (covetousness, envy).  I am proud (haughty) will let you know it (insolent and boastful).  Joke too much on the wrong things (foolish).  Devise plans (faithless).

God through Paul says that I am just like the homosexual.

Romans 2:3 (ESV) Do you suppose, O man--you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself--that you will escape the judgment of God?

Who is the "you"?
According to the introduction Paul is speaking to "all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints" (vs 7) -- the church in Rome - known as the Gentile church.

It was unreal to me as I worked my way through it, but I felt the presence of God the entire time as he pealed back layers in my heart to reveal my condition and held my hand pointing me to the one that won the victory over that sin.

I was a dark place to go, but the light of the world was their with me.  I could not have gone through it 30-some years ago when I said a prayer, my eye sight and hearing were not ready.    It took me a long time to be able to desire that I apply God's word to my own life instead of applying it to situations and folks around me.

My relationship to God is one that is because of Jesus' sacrifice, cultivated and secured by the work of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 8:1 clearly states that because of Jesus there is no condemnation   Thank you, Jesus.

This place where God took me is definitely hard to put into words, but I wish that everyone reading it could experience that type of purity and openness before God.  It is truly humiliating. 

Father, keep me ever humble before you.  Amen.