Monday, June 15, 2009

WOW! What a week it's been. You wouldn't believe what the Lord has done in my life this week.

Sunday starts the week with praise and worship to Papa, Son and Spirit. Sundays, no matter what they hold are always special even with the cares of the world on your sholders, Sundays lighten the load. (Maybe there's a lesson there??? Treating every day like Sunday.)

One of our greatest prayer concerns recently was over our vehicle situation. Amber had burned up her engine in her bug. Jim's Honda was flashing in the oil light and the air suspension has gone out in mine. While Amber's would be easy to fix with a rebuild kit, it is expensive. Jim's was worried about his and thought that he would lose his engine as well. Mine is just an expensive fix.

Here's how God worked through the first two:

Jim and Amber went to breakfast in our little town and happened to run into a man who is good friends with us. He supports us and our ministry - from a distance for a variety of reasons. The same day I sent an email to my parents and siblings telling them that with everything going on with our vehicles, I just didn't think it was going to be possible for us to travel the 12 hours home or the 4 hours further to help out with maintainance and repair of my parents' cottage. I called Jim later to see how his breakfast had gone with our daughter and he told me that "George" (the man at breakfast) was going to pick up Amber's car and take care of the expense and labor of repairing it. This will cost him $600 to $2,000 (depending of which method he uses). He is a wealthy man with a very healthy business, but still. God used him in our lives at just the right moment - a moment of faith and humility - to provide.

Jim's car has been replaced with a beloved vehicle....a yj jeep. It's fun to drive. It was affordable to buy with a little dickering and horse trading of course.

God is still with holding how he is going to take care of my vehicle, but he will.

Then there was a spontaneous gift from Lillie. And that is the story I will share tomorrow.

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