Saturday, June 06, 2009

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

I wonder how many PBJs I've made. I used to like them until I was 14-15. My daughter liked them until about the same age. TJ can't get enought of them. He could eat them breakfast, lunch and dinner if I would let him. Ephraim will even eat them occationally.

It's funny how each person in our family likes them made differently and have a vehement opinion on the subject. Personally, I like pb on some toast, just a little. If I am making a sandwich then the pb must be spread evenly on one slice of bread and the jelly MUST be on the other slice of bread. TJ could care less where it goes or how it gets there as long as there is a bunch of jelly. Ephraim prefers 1/2 sandwiches with just peanut butter and no jelly. Jim likes his peanut butter spread just so and very light on the jelly.

Please don't speak to me about's disgusting and for making fudge, not PBJs. Not a big fan of goober either. See above and you will understand why.

Peanut butter is yummy-nutrition is questionable unless you buy the "natural" pb. Natural peanut butter bothers me because I don't like the separation. I should try it again though since the older I get, the more healthy I'm trying to eat.

So there you have it! Peanut butter sandwiches... thankfully there are no allergies in the house.

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