Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Face Book Friend List and Statuses

How many of you use facebook? I use Facebook to keep up with friends, family, church members, etc. I've even reconnected with my best friend from high school. I keep a finger on what the youth in our church are up to in their lives. Let's face it, FB (facebook) is how this new generation is communicating.

Don't some of your friends annoy you on there? I have read and posted all kinds of statuses'. Game statuses, sad statuses, happy, excited, boring, stupid......there is no limit to what you will see online. If a person on my list raises my annoy factor to a point where I feel like I need to respond on their level there is a clever little button called "ignore". I've used it and it works.

The reason I write this blog is I have even had the blessing of reading the most rude status out of the thousands that I've read about 10 days ago. Why, you ask, do you say that a rude comment could be a blessing?

This particular person posted, and I quote: "just finished pruning her Friends list. If you're reading this, you made the cut. This time."

First of all this person puts on social airs. Secondly, she puts on spiritual airs. And thirdly, why do you have to announce your absolute disdain for people so openly.

You can de-freind all day long, it's fine, it's your right to do so. Then to follow up with a threat that you could be gone in future rounds? Hmmmm. Doesn't sound friendly or Christ-like. Actually sounds sick and self-centered.

On one hand, I'm sorry that I've let it bother me so much to the point that 10 days after the event that it's strong enough on my mind to blog about it. On the other hand, I'm glad that God let me experience it to grow from.

Jesus come unto me. Where ever He went crowds thronged around him. He was the life of the party (remember the Pharisees called him a glutton and a wine biber). And yet, we go to and fro and up and down the earth with the self imposed label of Christian and can't be bothered to be kind, and sweet and tenderhearted?

Words, spoken and written, have power. Power to hurt, heal, help, encourage, and love if we so choose them.

Papa, allow my words to honor everything that Your Son did in life, in death and in resurrection.

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