Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Face Book Friend List and Statuses

How many of you use facebook? I use Facebook to keep up with friends, family, church members, etc. I've even reconnected with my best friend from high school. I keep a finger on what the youth in our church are up to in their lives. Let's face it, FB (facebook) is how this new generation is communicating.

Don't some of your friends annoy you on there? I have read and posted all kinds of statuses'. Game statuses, sad statuses, happy, excited, boring, stupid......there is no limit to what you will see online. If a person on my list raises my annoy factor to a point where I feel like I need to respond on their level there is a clever little button called "ignore". I've used it and it works.

The reason I write this blog is I have even had the blessing of reading the most rude status out of the thousands that I've read about 10 days ago. Why, you ask, do you say that a rude comment could be a blessing?

This particular person posted, and I quote: "just finished pruning her Friends list. If you're reading this, you made the cut. This time."

First of all this person puts on social airs. Secondly, she puts on spiritual airs. And thirdly, why do you have to announce your absolute disdain for people so openly.

You can de-freind all day long, it's fine, it's your right to do so. Then to follow up with a threat that you could be gone in future rounds? Hmmmm. Doesn't sound friendly or Christ-like. Actually sounds sick and self-centered.

On one hand, I'm sorry that I've let it bother me so much to the point that 10 days after the event that it's strong enough on my mind to blog about it. On the other hand, I'm glad that God let me experience it to grow from.

Jesus come unto me. Where ever He went crowds thronged around him. He was the life of the party (remember the Pharisees called him a glutton and a wine biber). And yet, we go to and fro and up and down the earth with the self imposed label of Christian and can't be bothered to be kind, and sweet and tenderhearted?

Words, spoken and written, have power. Power to hurt, heal, help, encourage, and love if we so choose them.

Papa, allow my words to honor everything that Your Son did in life, in death and in resurrection.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Gift

I've come to realize that even if your love language isn't gift giving the act of gift giving is universal to express an appreciation of the giver to the givee.

We live in a small town - one of those where everyone knows everyone. We have a few restaurants that we frequent, one of those being the Chinese restaurant. For our town to have a Chinese eatery is a pretty big deal, but old hat now. We've gotten to know the ethnic employees working there and even though they keep to themselves pretty much, we try get to know them.

Peter is the Manager/owner, his "wife", Mae and their two little boys, Matthew and Jesse. They have a waitress, Nillie. All of these names are, of course, Americanized versions of their actual Chinese names. There are some other fellows who work in the kitchen who we only see occasionally and greet each other with the laughter of an inside joke. We miss Biker Bob, who was an older fellow who rode from one end of town to the other on first a peddle bicycle and then an electric scooter. Peter loved the name we gave him and it stuck. He spoke no English or at least pretended very well, but he was a fun, friendly sort.

Peter is out going and is easily engaged. His English skills are very good. Mae, not so much. She has little English and is withdrawn for this reason, but she is sweet and faithful. Nillie is young and actually from New York City. She has left behind family to be here to work. She is kind and very enduring.

My husband has decided that he likes the hot tea and she brings it as soon as she sees us come through the door. About a month ago she brings us a new brew - green tea leaves and an exquisite flavored tea. Last week we asked her about it, and in her broken English she explains that this is her private stock and is pleased that we like it so well. Soon, she brings us a beautiful green box and explains that this is ours, she wants us to have it. We try to refuse the generosity, but she insists and makes sure that we know that it's best for breakfast.

I am touched beyond belief to think that this girl who works so hard and sees little of her money would give us this tea without expecting anything but our joy in return.

That's exactly the way it is with God's gift of Grace. He gave Jesus, His only Son. Jesus gave His very life, for the very joy of it.

Thank you, Papa, for your gift of love to me that I may know you.

Monday, June 15, 2009

WOW! What a week it's been. You wouldn't believe what the Lord has done in my life this week.

Sunday starts the week with praise and worship to Papa, Son and Spirit. Sundays, no matter what they hold are always special even with the cares of the world on your sholders, Sundays lighten the load. (Maybe there's a lesson there??? Treating every day like Sunday.)

One of our greatest prayer concerns recently was over our vehicle situation. Amber had burned up her engine in her bug. Jim's Honda was flashing in the oil light and the air suspension has gone out in mine. While Amber's would be easy to fix with a rebuild kit, it is expensive. Jim's was worried about his and thought that he would lose his engine as well. Mine is just an expensive fix.

Here's how God worked through the first two:

Jim and Amber went to breakfast in our little town and happened to run into a man who is good friends with us. He supports us and our ministry - from a distance for a variety of reasons. The same day I sent an email to my parents and siblings telling them that with everything going on with our vehicles, I just didn't think it was going to be possible for us to travel the 12 hours home or the 4 hours further to help out with maintainance and repair of my parents' cottage. I called Jim later to see how his breakfast had gone with our daughter and he told me that "George" (the man at breakfast) was going to pick up Amber's car and take care of the expense and labor of repairing it. This will cost him $600 to $2,000 (depending of which method he uses). He is a wealthy man with a very healthy business, but still. God used him in our lives at just the right moment - a moment of faith and humility - to provide.

Jim's car has been replaced with a beloved vehicle....a yj jeep. It's fun to drive. It was affordable to buy with a little dickering and horse trading of course.

God is still with holding how he is going to take care of my vehicle, but he will.

Then there was a spontaneous gift from Lillie. And that is the story I will share tomorrow.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Saturday Nights

It's a Saturday night. Most people make plans for Saturday night, but I prefer to stay in. I like to "prepare" in prayer. I'm excited about what God will do in our midst. I anticipate how God will work in the lives of people he puts in my path. I am in prayer that I will not hinder that process in anyway with my environment or my list of things to do.

Papa, use me to be a blessing, do not allow me to be an obstacle to people in my life.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

I wonder how many PBJs I've made. I used to like them until I was 14-15. My daughter liked them until about the same age. TJ can't get enought of them. He could eat them breakfast, lunch and dinner if I would let him. Ephraim will even eat them occationally.

It's funny how each person in our family likes them made differently and have a vehement opinion on the subject. Personally, I like pb on some toast, just a little. If I am making a sandwich then the pb must be spread evenly on one slice of bread and the jelly MUST be on the other slice of bread. TJ could care less where it goes or how it gets there as long as there is a bunch of jelly. Ephraim prefers 1/2 sandwiches with just peanut butter and no jelly. Jim likes his peanut butter spread just so and very light on the jelly.

Please don't speak to me about's disgusting and for making fudge, not PBJs. Not a big fan of goober either. See above and you will understand why.

Peanut butter is yummy-nutrition is questionable unless you buy the "natural" pb. Natural peanut butter bothers me because I don't like the separation. I should try it again though since the older I get, the more healthy I'm trying to eat.

So there you have it! Peanut butter sandwiches... thankfully there are no allergies in the house.

Friday, June 05, 2009

I've been cleaning out lately. I am mortified at the things that I have held on to and squirrelled away. 35 mm cameras that I have no intention of ever using...some "family heirlooms" that will mean little to anyone but me.

One thing that I put away for a "special occasion" was a jar of home-made blackberry jam from my sister-in-law. The blackberries were picked right here on the farm and everything - that was a year ago. I know because it is less than a month until blackberries will be ready to pick again. It was on a shelf, pushed back. I wanted it for home-made bread/toast, not some peanut butter sandwich.

I found it the other day and thought, "Well, this will be good, but what is that dribble down the side?" The dribble down the side was blackberry juice. The jar's seal was broken and an entire jar of HOME-MADE BLACKBERRY JAM was wasted. That is a travesty - an awful shame.

What is even worse is opportunity and time given to me that I have wasted by not seizing the opportunity. Any resource that I do not use is squandered, be it time, energy, material possessions. Each person is given just a number of days here on this earth and what have I done with mine?

I will be 42 on my next birthday. I feel as though I have lived a lifetime yet really accomplished nothing. What have I done for Papa that will not be destroyed by the testing of fire? Jesus, live this life as I have proven that I don't know how.