Thursday, June 29, 2006

Death and Life
It would seem that our existance is all wrapped up in those words. Today Ephraim had a pulmonology appt and was released from their care, but another heart boy, Corbin, passed away, unable to recover from his Fontan surgery. The Grabb family is very godly and have praised Jesus through this entire journey. If my baby was taken from me would I be able to praise God for He IS good. I would like to hope so.

Psalm 116:15 says "Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of one of His saints." We are reminded time and time again that this world is not my home and I'm just passing through. We are sojourners in a foreign land. How could death be precious? God looks on His creation with love and tenderness and when He brings one of us Home what a reunion it is!!!! Abscent from the body is present with the Lord.

Father, when you bring myself or one of my loved ones home let me remind myself that it will be a glorious home going reunion. Not only with I see You face to face, but I will once again fellowship with my loved ones in the perfection of your glory. Thank you for loving me; I'm so undeserving.

To God be the Glory - Great things HE has done!

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