Thursday, June 22, 2006

Well, I've always wanted to blog, but never really took a chance to find a spot. The nice thing about being a wife to a techno junkie and a internet active teenager is the work like that is usually done for you.

Why, you ask would I want to blog. With everything I do I want to give glory to God while sharing my life with you. I hope that everyone who should happen upon this little corner of the web world would see Jesus at work in the everyday small things as well as the major events occurring in my life.

I'm 38. I'm a wife first and then a mother. I have a savior, his name is Jesus. He is the God-man. He lived an acceptable life to be a sacrifice in atonement for my sin as well as the sin for the entire world. He was barbaricly crucified and shed his blood for all. He was buried in a tomb and rose early on the third day. He is now in heaven preparing a place for all people who have accepted his gift of salvation. Now if God made this beautiful world in 7 days, imagine what he has been working on for the last two thousand years? Think about it the next time you hear a birds sing or a cloud roll in or watch the stars on a clear night or watch the seasons change or ......

My husband, Jim, is the greatest husband who just happens to be a pastor. He is the pastor at The Gospel Chapel. The Chapel is a growing congregation in central NC. Jim has a blog, but I will have to share the address later as I do not know it now.

My oldest child is Amber, 16. You can read her blog here:
She will chronicle her missions trip to Jamaica. Good girl, that one. I hope she knows.

We lost a baby in 98, who would be 7 right now. I know that Baby Boyte is in heaven and I will see him or her soon.

Then there is TJ, 3. TJ stands for "T"hird "J"im and for "T"rusting "J"esus - nothing else matters except trusting Jesus. TJ will tell you that too. TJ is a cool kid and totally into Thomas the Tank Engine. He has just started an appreciation for reading. Every night we have to read at least 3 books.

Bringing up the rear (for now) is Ephraim, 14 months. Ephraim has a special heart and God has used his physical heart condition to touch the spiritual heart of many people. His name means "God is Fruitful". Even though he has been through a great deal in his life, Ephraim is a star and is an inspiration to anyone who says that they can't do something.

That's the beginning of an intro. I hope that you will get to know us more through the course of future post as I attempt to share our lives.

To God be the glory, great things he has done.

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