Friday, June 23, 2006

Eagle's Wings

Today was totally busy. Everyday is, I suppose. Today, however, was a day well spent.

Instead of Friday morning family breakfast out, Jim went with Tim. The two of them shared breakfast together. It was a good time for the two of them. The kids and I had breakfast at home and prepared for a morning with JM at the lake house.

We met with her about 9:30 and drove about an hour to Lake Tillery. Their place is gorgeous. We got to look around-got to check the closets, ya know. Then I couldn't wait to check out their dock before actually getting me or the children dressed for swimming. We walk down the stairs to get to their boat dock and she looks up and right and says "I wonder if the eagle is there?". Then: "Oh, he's there!" very quietly. Neither of us has the camera. Amber runs up and gets her camera and J's. They got some awesome shots. (I'll update them when Amber puts them on my computer.)

This is the first time I can remember seeing an American Bald Eagle in it's natural surroundings. I think I would have remembered, because it is a majestic site. This guy or gal sat there on it's perch watching us, the lake and hillside below it with such purpose. When it soared off, my own heart flew with it. I thought immediately of Isaiah 40:31. Those that wait on the Lord shall mount on wings of eagles. (Paraphrased) That bird flew with such strength, but very little effort. I know that there have been times in my life when I need to wait for answers from God, when Godly direction and timing came, it was such a feeling of relief. I could carry on with strength and purpose. When it's on God's time table, not mine, things fall into place.

It was a T&P moment. Tested and Proved. Try it and see.

After the wonder of the eagle, we went and changed into clothes for swimming. First the canoe/kyak ride. Amber and I went in the canoe with the two boys. Not an easy feat, but manageable and J escorted us with her totally cool kyak. That was fun and a great upper body work out. After lunch, we swam. I came in early since Ephraim was so fussy-can we say 'nap time'? When Amber and TJ finished swimming about 45 minutes later we came home to get a few things done.

Family fun night tonight. It was fun and we had a great crowd turn out to play Family feud. I like board games, but hey, I'm flexible in some instances.

Now I'm home again and getting ready to run the dishwasher and go to bed.

I do have a special prayer request for a little heart baby. His name is Corbin-he has a CarePage, if you would like it, please email me privately with the request and I will share it with you. He has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). He had his 3rd and final surgery nearly 12 weeks ago and has not left the hospital yet. He is a very sick little boy and needs intervention from the Great Physician. The dr's are talking about taking down his "Fontan" surgery which NEVER a good sign and he, at this moment is too sick for a transplant.

Great Physician, Holy God, I call out to you on behalf of this little boy and ask for you to do Your mighty work. I have followed this family for 12 weeks now and in every peak and valley they have given You the glory for everything You have done. Touch this little boy in a very special way. You made this boy and know every little intricacy of his body; You love him more than even his earthy father. I pray for a peaceful, restful weekend with healing to the honor and glory of Your Son, Jesus.

To God be the glory, great things He has done.

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