Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I wonder why cancer is a modern day word. Or how about congenital heart disease or try downs syndrome or diabetes or .... I guess I could go on and on and so could you. This is forefront on my mind this morning as I prepare for my day and remember friends and family who have recently died in the past week or are on their death bed.

Question: If we are evolving, why do these and various other words naming and describing life extiguishing disease exist?

Last night Jim got a call that we hate to receive, but nonetheless receive all too often. 'Her cancer has returned and it has spread throughout her body.' It's a call that sends us to our knees in incessant for the afflicted both victim and family. There is no dr in her state that will treat her and she is force to another state a day's drive away from her personal support system.

The fear of the end does not hit everyone the same way. For those that know the end of this life is the passage to Heaven with Jesus Christ there is peace. For those with another heaven there is uncertainty and even more still those who have heard the good news of Jesus Christ and chosen to reject the message there is torment. There is a story in the bible about a rich man who had spent his life time laying up treasure for himself for the future. God came to him in his reverie and told him that he would die that night. What good were those things to him then?

Laugh if you wish, snicker if you must, but note that every knee will bow to Jesus Christ. Better to volunteer than to be forced. Being forced to do anything is never pleasant.

Nice 4th of July. Jim took the day off and spent it with me and the boys. It was very unexpected and fun. It is hotter than hot here, but we braved the heat to go to the parade in the morning. I think that a lot of other people thought it was hot too because it was a smaller than usual parade. After that we came home and had lunch and then took naps. I started watch LOTR - Twin Towers. After Dinner we watched the Return of the King. It was kind of nice to not have to worry about having anything to do.

Amber traveled to Jamaica and arrived safely yesterday afternoon. There was a mix up with the other group traveling and they had to be stuck at the airport waiting for them. Today she and the other interns begin ministry at a local school. She loves those people and I can not wait to see how God brings about growth in her life while she pours out her self to others. Isn't that a beautiful picture of Christ. Thank you Jesus for using my daughter as a picture of your own sacrifice. She can pour herself out because you poured yourself out for us.

Now, it is time for me to get a few extra things done around the house. There are more than a few little projects to accomplish. I'll let you know how it goes......

To God be the Glory - Great Things HE Has Done

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