Thursday, June 21, 2012

I'm here!

Hi Everyone!

I am here.  I am breathing and maybe even treading water.  It has been an amazing couple of weeks.

God has taken me through the valley while fear swirled above my head, to the mountain top with splendor all around and through the rocky crag with anger and bitterness nipping at my heels.  

I thank God that no matter the path I walk, he is there, guiding me with his perfect plan.

Coming (hopefully tomorrow):  Our trip to Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg, VA. 

Love you all!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thank You For Trauma.

On Monday, I posted a fb status like: I feel like I could use some comfort food.  I don't know why because I'm not usually like that. ...."

While I was wanting some homemade mac-n-cheese....
I could taste it.....

My father was is crisis.

He has an accident that could have killed him.

He was mowing with the tractor and was thrown.  

The mower was unengaged....

he came away with just some trauma.

Just some trauma?
Yes, I am thankful for trauma.

Have you ever seen a bush hog?  Operate?

In case you haven't, it is a rotating blade that is meant to cut bush.  I've cut saplings with mine without thought.

Imagine what that would do to a man?

Where did it run over him?

Head to toe.

Yeah, I'm happy and thankful for trauma.

He has a broken vertebrae, clavicle and scapula.  He'll have a long recovery.  But that all is better than chopped.

So, I'm thankful.

My meditation for Monday was:
Isaiah 40:13-14
Who has understood the mind of the Lord,
or instructed him as his counselor?
14 Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him,
and who taught him the right way?
Who was it that taught him knowledge
or showed him the path of understanding?

 God is in control.

And I know that if God had given a different outcome he would still be in control.  There is peace in that a great deal of peace.

It's ok to ask God about it.  It is ok to ask why.  Why the inoperable cancer for the young child?  Why do this one grow up without enough food to eat?  He's not afraid of those questions, but prepare yourself for the answer. 

God told Job to stand up and take it like a man.  You can read about that here in "Cow Girl Up."  

Honestly, If we are Christ-like, would we not pray "not my will, but your's, Oh, God."

I think so.

Thank you, Father, for your mercies.  Thank you for your tenderness.  Thank you for allowing me to experience your great power and help me to understand that life isn't about what I want, but building your kingdom.  When I don't understand, point me back to the fact that you are holy and righteous never making a mistake. Thank you for the peace to know that no matter what happens you have the outcome fully in hand.  Thank you for the trauma.  I love you.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Another Saturday

Such a fun day. 

I like Saturdays almost as much as I love Sundays.

Today was so laid back and I even got a nap.

Days like today allow me to really reflect on myself.  

I keep coming back to the same thing:  God, forgive and remove my self righteousness.  Allow me to love people not for what I believe they should be but for what you are doing in their life.  In Jesus name, AMEN!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012


Sometimes, in life, I have to question myself.
Am I doing what I proclaim?  Practicing what I preach?  Am I pleasing my LORD?  Am I showing his love toward all - no matter what?

I have a tendency to lean toward a critical spirit.  It is problematic for me - duplicity really and I don't like it at all.  

I look at other Christians and wonder are they for real?  Do they read the same word I do?  Do they know the same Jesus?  

Early in my growing years as a Christ follower, I received and read a lot of scripture.  It was mainly received for information.  I can pretty much give you a jet tour of the whole bible and could within a year of following Jesus.  

There was one thing that was missing or maybe better stated: the one thing I feel that was missing in my scripture time was application.  

What good is knowledge without wisdom?  Just having knowledge gives pride; pride puffs up.  Pride is the exact opposite of humility.  Wisdom leads to a path of humility.

During the late 80's and early 90s, religious marketers effectively took a line from the book "In His Steps" by Charles Shelton:  'What Would Jesus Do?'  I like that and I still use it (even though I don't have the bracelet any longer), but I can only use it as much as I know about Jesus and about how he acted and reacted.

I read God's word daily and meditate, but is it enough?  For me, NO.  I have to ask, actually beg, God use your word to change my heart.  

Father, Change me to look like you son so that you may be glorified.  Use your word in my life to cleanse me, my heart, my mind and soul.  I want to be a vessel that honors you, one that you can use to build your kingdom.  Take control of my life so that I cast off judgement of others and am free to love like you love.

Let me know if you pray that way as well.  Can I pray with you?