Sunday, April 29, 2012


I love, love, love moments when God speaks to my heart in a deep and personal way.

Today's message at church was delivered by Tim, my brother-in-law.  His heart is heavy and reflective as he is living through a tragedy that he is powerless to stop and allowing God's grace to be his balm.  His best friend of 20+ years is breathing his final breaths due to liver cancer.  Tim's heart is broken, but he is giving God glory.

Today's message was brought from Luke 24:13-35  On the road to Emmaus.  Are you familiar with the story?

Jesus has newly risen from the grave, but his disciples are discouraged that Jesus died, is now completely gone and didn't do what they wanted him to do anyway.  You see the Jews of this day were occupied by a foreign government and believed that their Messiah would deliver them from the occupation into freedom.  That's how I am.  Jesus take this thing away from me - it doesn't suit my kingdom.  

While these two disciples where walking on the road they were discussing the events of the past few days and all that had happened to Jesus.  Suddenly there appeared Jesus to walk with them.  Jesus, of course, drew them into conversation.  They didn't know who Jesus was because their focus was still on their own kingdom and desires.  Once they stated their confusion, the author of all history, Jesus, himself taught these two how his life fit perfectly into all the law and prophets.

They continued the whole way listening.  When they reached Emmaus, Jesus acted as if he would continue on the road, but they asked Jesus to stay and eat with them.  It was then that Jesus remove the veil from their eyes and they realized that it was Jesus.  They were so excited that they went all the way back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples all that had taken place. 

Pretty fascinating story, but the neat thing is this:  these two belonged to Jesus, but they didn't have faith and confidence in Him.  They had long sought for a Messiah to do what they thought should be done, not what God needed accomplished.  They heard the word and still couldn't see.  It wasn't until they Jesus blessed and broke the bread to them that they could fully see.


I have tears in my eyes as I type.

Jesus is the bread of life.  Jesus blessed and broke the bread for them (for me, for you).

Their own testimony to the other disciples culminates in the very last verse of Luke 24.  Verse 35b "....he was known to them in the breaking of the bread."

Oh!  What blessing there is in that.  

Breaking of bread is considered fellowship, communing with one another.  Am I  breaking bread with Jesus to allow him to reveal himself to me.

Lord Jesus, Thank you for this word.  Let my prayer and bible reading time be a time where we are communing and fellowshipping.  I want you to reveal yourself to me in new ways just like you did today with this word - Your Word.  Amen.

How about you:  What do you think?

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