Thursday, July 26, 2012

A special day

Happy Birthday, Emma Grace!

She 3 today. Give or take.

What do I mean?

Emma Grace has an amazing past.  Because of her birth country's customs and laws, she was an outcast -literally-outcast.  Left in the darkness alone only hours to days old.

Her story is inconceivable to me.  I couldn't imagine being in a situation where I felt as though I had to turn my infant out in hopes of the kindness of others.

I have to wonder if Emma's birth mamma and papa think of her.  Do they still mourn her loss (to them)?  Do they ever wonder what became of that small creature of their own womb they left in the night?  I would have to think that Emma's image is engraved in their minds for all eternity.

Thankfully, Emma Grace's story doesn't end on the streets, God had amazing plans for her.

Probably one of the reasons, ok, the main reason that EG was left was because she has defects.  She had cleft defects which were obvious.  For the poor peasant scary.  Not so obvious she had a CHD....Congenital Heart Defect....a broken heart.

While Emma was being processed in the government God started working in a couples heart that they needed to adopt.  They had all boys and really wanted a girl.  Where is the first place that you think of when you think adopting a girl?  China.  The process steam rolled.  The young couple would not be stopped and pressed forward through hurdles of finance, red tape and bureaucracy.  

It took 18 months to bring Emma Grace home, but was worth every tear and drop of sweat released.  She is truly living up to her name bringing favor and wholeness to every person she meets.  Her physical repairs are complete and she is a typical thriving toddler.

Emma's story goes beyond that though.

As with any adoption, I am reminded of my own adoption because it is a picture of my salvation, your salvation and the salvation of mankind.  We are outcast and unwanted, but a gracious Father put a burning desire in his Son's heart to return us to a family.  God's family.  John 1:19

Recently I shared a video on my facebook time line of a young boy who is close to becoming too old to be adopted that seemingly went unnoticed.  I ranted that it wasn't viewed or shared, which brought notice to Joseph, the boy.  Joseph and many other human beings like him become the property of their government in this case.  I was sarcastically informed that my friends sharing his video would do nothing to help, but I disagree.

I can honestly say that I do not know how God is working in anyone's heart and mind and sometimes even my own heart and mind.  I never thought in a million years that an Emma Grace would come into my life.  I would have to wonder if by taking just a moment to hit share that God could use that as a way to spark a fire in someone's heart.  

A spark to reverse the inhumane laws that place these innocent babies in the situation that they find themselves in the first place.  A spark to allow someone to serve the orphan.  Or even   spurn someone to adopt a child.  People like Emma Grace's adoptive parent who would not be stopped until she was with them.

I believe knowledge is power and getting the word out is the beginning of knowledge.  You can make a difference with small things in a big way.

Pray for the orphan.  Pray for potential parents for these orphans.  And pray for their care givers.  Remember in some cases they are caring for the outcasts of their society and treat them as such. 

1 comment:

Good News For Carthage said...

Joseph, the boy mentioned in this post, now has a family of his very own. Thank you, Father, for your mercy on this child. Use him mightily for your kingdom. AMEN.