Tuesday, December 22, 2015

This picture is precious to me:  It was taken at a family camp in North Country NY.  It brings back so much of what is good in my life.  Godly, generous, forward thinking grandparents who gave of themselves not just for their kingdom but more for God's kingdom.  It gifts the image of family gatherings, games and laughs.  I reminds me of parents who appreciate integrity and goodness.  There's shadows moving about the picture of people preparing to board the boat and tour the river or go fishing, gathering to enjoy the splendor of the view God had gifted this spot or fellowship around a yard game or people living out their faith in word and deed always making sure that their deed matched their words.  That is my gift God has given me through heritage.  You don't have to do great things in God's name, just focus on living His word and He will do great things through you.  

This passage is precious to me:
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the couple of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the mocker but whose delight is in the law of the Lord and on His law he meditates both day and night.  He is be like a tree planted by streams of the water.  Which yield fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Psalms 1:1-3 NIV84

I love this Psalm.  It is one of the first I remember memorizing.  I pray this Psalm over my husband  my children and myself.  Keep our hearts focused on you, Lord.  Keep us in Your word.  Reap the fruit of Your works in our lives.

A prayer from Psalms 1:1-3
Lord, Work in this area of my (or loved one’s) life.  Make me (them) this tree planted by water streams: strong, steadfast and bearing.  Nurture me (them) with the everlasting water of your Word.  Keep me (my loved one) in meditation on your word day and night and reap the fruit for your kingdom.  AMEN


For the last year, I've posted a blessing for each day on my Facebook feed.  It was response to God's leading through a friend.  The year previous, she posted a blessing each day of the year.  It was life changing to her and in the process to me.

I was changed by acknowledging gifts in my life, whether great or small, into realizing that God had me every day, every step and every way.  I saw that even in the "bad" there was goodness.  

I hope this year to leave the format of Facebook and post the blessing here. to move forward with the seeds of joy, peace and love in my soul and heart to share.  And quite honestly, I need a Facebook break. 

Journey with me, while I start up my blog again. Sharing the blessing of God's work in my life's journey.