Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter & Resurrection Day!

Many Folks are all about Christ today. The have put on pretty new dresses or ties, their children are neat as a pin and dressed in all matching outfits. The air is warming and flowers are blooming as a testimony of the season's change. We all sit in pretty little churches in our pretty little outfits listening to pretty little sermons about how Christ died and rose from the grave so we could go to Heaven. That message makes me sick and sad.

Sick because it's a lie. Perhaps lie is a distasteful way to state it. How about a sliver of the pie. I believe there is a bigger picture and God wants us to have so, so much more. Why would Christ say that He came so that people may have life and have life abundantly? Christ's entire reason for existence was to do the work of His Father, building His Father's kingdom. Every thing Jesus did he did with you and I in mind. He did it so that we could have a relationship with the father.

Sad because so many people are trusting in a prayer and have been told that a prayer is enough.
What is the greatest commandment? Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength, with all your soul AND love you neighbor as yourself. That's a lot of lovin'. The law doesn't love, it dictates. Do you really want to trust in believing in a prayer and then living life without love? Gossip, criticism, judgement is what makes us a hypocrite.

For me, I would rather live a life of love, grace and mercy the way my Jesus did.