Wednesday, November 09, 2016

It's over! Or is it?

I must say.....this has been fun this morning.  But fun aside, we've got to do some soul searching both as an individual and as a society.  

We are some haughty, disrespectful humans.  We feel we need to be right and if we're not, well watch out.  It's like tending to a room of infants who know what they want and really could care less that the person next to them needs something also.  We bicker incessantly and if that's not embarrassing enough we bring the next door neighbor to the fight. 

 I'm not ashamed to say I have hidden some folks' posts from my Facebook feed not because they didn't agree with me, but because they were hateful towards others' ideology and even their being.  There is no honor in this.  Do not put people down.  This is an "Everything I Need To Know, I Learned in Kindergarten" moment, people.  

I've also blocked people who have made this election a religious thing.  It is not.  It is government.  Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and that sort of thing.  If the church and christian were really doing what they were supposed to be doing there might not be the moral reprehensible behavior so rampant today.  And by the way.....the command is to LOVE (not judge and condemn)....Love God with every fiber of your being and Love your neighbor as you do yourself - not the country - not the government - not the offices held there - which truly constitutes idolatry.   God rains on the just and the unjust and when we communicate that we prayed, we won, God is for us, where does that leave a person not regenerated by mercy and grace? 

 Please, soul search with me....