Tuesday, March 02, 2010

My devotion this morning started out with an antidote about personal perfectionism. I'm not like that, I'm too laid back I thought. The author was asking if we had a problem with the way that people do things and teach them the "right" way or just go behind them to redo it and then gave a list. At the end of the list was loading the dishwasher.....I was thinking "oooooops, guess I am like that".

The point was that we can't all praise and serve God the same way. God made us each uniquely qualified to love him our way. I love to sing, but can not lead worship. I love to teach, but will never be a Beth Moore. I am me and love God through Jesus by the Spirit only the way I can.

God asks one thing of me. God asks me to love him with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my strength, with all my soul. The common thread throughout the thought is ALL. There are no gray areas, no walking the line, you're either in or out. at least in God's eye's and it's that what we to do? Want to conform more to His image?

Monday, March 01, 2010

It's so easy to get caught up in wanting to be the best and most popular among people. Giving God glory, honor and praise goes against that thought. It's the little things that we do and putting God first in all things that will be remembered for all eternity. It's taking care of my family joyfully. It's smiling to that rude, mean customer. It's the concern shown to a stranger having a bad day. It's the tons of laundry that we fold. It's the joy I take from mundane tasks of my daily life and performing them as unto Lord. To successfully praise God, I don't need to stand in front of folks, I need to humbly honor Him before Him. It will show to everyone else. God be glorified.