Friday, February 19, 2010

God is the King of Glory and Jesus the Lord of Glory. I'm studying God's glory right now. How refreshing to renew the approach to looking at my Glorious Father. He will not share his Glory with another.

When I puff myself up, he is decreased. My prayer today is that God be #1 in every area of my life. My work, my marriage, my children, my hope, my pondering, my loving. Lord, be #1 in my life and let others see that it is all for you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

God is worth of glory and honor because he is. God is worthy of honor and glory because there is existence only because of him. God is. God is holy, real, creator, true and truth, savior, worthy, life, lover, friend, father, precious. God is.

When I wake in the morning let me praise you. When I work, let me praise you. When I pillow my head at night let me praise you. I love you Lord. Use me Lord if it's nothing more than to praise you.